

A group experience that allows you to learn, grow and be supported in a container of fellow meditators whilst you learn the Being Meditation Technique.

Book a 15 minute introduction call with me to find out more.

Nico teaches private and group meditation courses.

Nico teaches the 1 Giant Mind 'Being' meditation technique which is taught in a 3-Session course format either in-person or virtually via LIVE Zoom.

The technique has its origins in the 5,000 year old body of wisdom derived from India known as the 'Veda' and is taught in a modern/relevant context.

You will learn:

  • The impact that stress and anxiety have on your mind and body, and how this style of meditation can prevent those symptoms

  • An effortless 20min meditation technique that uses a universal mantra (man=mind, tra=vehicle/tool) which allows the mind to settle & the body to experience deep rest & rejuvenation - similar to styles of meditation like TM (Transcendental Meditation) or VM (Vedic Meditation)

  • How to master a form of meditation that you can easily do on your own, anywhere and anytime, without relying on meditation apps/technology or any guidance (#self-sufficiencyforthewin!)

  • The importance of how building a daily meditation practice can greatly improve sleep, energy levels, your sex life, as well as feeling more confident and at-ease in social situations

  • How to connect deeper with your inner power, passions and purpose

  • How to enhance mental clarity which unlocks greater creativity & productivity

  • The importance of shared experiences in community for strengthening our relationships, accountability and sustaining health and happiness

  • * The impact that cultivating greater self-awareness has on being more present, fulfilled and experiencing more bliss on a daily basis